Your hormones hold the key to an incredible life. If you are like me, I never got the proper information on how your hormones really work. Sex ed did not necessarily give me any insight into my body. I just remember hearing...sex is bad, your period is gross blah blah blah....

Look, your body has something important to say and you CAN work with it and understand your hormonal health.

These symptoms are common, but NOT normal:

1. Weight gain-weight gain around your belly may indicate blood sugar imbalance or a cortisol problem (stress). Excess fat on the back of your arms may indicate a testosterone imbalance. Excess fat around your butt and thighs may indicate estrogen and progesterone imbalance. Excess fat around your neck may indicate a cortisol imbalance. This is because certain hormones can make you retain excess fluid unless they are in balance with one another.

2. Menstrual irregularities-It may be common to have a heavy period, intense cramping, sporadic, longer or shorter periods, and extreme fatigue, BUT this is a sign of dysfunction in your body.

3. Fatigue-If you are struggling to get through each day, it is time to look at how your hormones are impacting your energy.

4. Digestive issues-Abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, and constipation are NOT normal. The reason these may be happening to you is that your sex hormones have a big impact on digestive health.

5. Skin issues-If you experience acne, rashes, puffy eyes, and loss of eyebrow hair, this can be a sign of thyroid dysfunction or hormonal imbalance which tie together.

6. Food cravings-Food cravings can be a sign of nutrient deficiency. You should have control over how much you are eating. Leptin, your hunger hormone should be able to tell your brain when you have had enough to eat. Food cravings could be an Insulin or Leptin issue that needs to be checked by a Functional Practitioner.

7. Sleep issues-Are you having difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep? Your hormones Estrogen and Progesterone play a huge role in sleep and could be imbalanced leading to you counting sheep at night.

8. Mood changes-Are you experiencing irritability, depression, anxiety, or panic attacks? There is a very good chance your hormones are not balanced causing you to want to rip the next person's head off who walks in the room.

9. Decreased sex drive-Oh NO! A decreased sex drive is related to a testosterone imbalance. You might want to get this one checked!

10. Hair loss-Loss of hair can make you feel so insecure, I know I did when my hair was so thin and brittle before I balanced my hormones. Hair loss can be caused by thyroid issues, and estrogen and progesterone imbalances.

I can help you! I healed my body after over 10 years of birth control use, eating the most inflammatory foods, using toxic personal-care and household products, having the worst mindset, and not moving my body in the way that served me best!




How to Detox Estrogen Naturally


Healthy, Veggie Filled Hormone Healing Chili